It's always good to start at the beginning, as the Red Queen advised Alice, which, in this case, is the cusp of the first house, the Ascendant, at 15º Sagittarius. The Ascendant describes those who initiate an event. There are no other planets in Sagittarius and 15º is the exact midpoint of the sign which should give us an expression of the most typical, unadulterated Sagittarian traits one could possibly find. (Yes, there are positive Sagittarian traits but they most often occur because of the elevating influence of the Sun which is not the case here.) This is indeed an accurate description of those who have set in motion the disaster that is now unfolding with ever expanding consequences. One cannot escape the synchronicity of the very name of the rig, Horizon, for this is what Sagittarius is all about - ever seeking new horizons and exploring new territory. Earlier that day officials from BP had thrown a celebration for the workers who had just completed the deepest drill ever made. We are now finding out that reckless optimism, a well known Sagittarian trait, had been driving the push to complete the drilling and was largely responsible for what took place. Two very critical components of the fail-safe system of the drill had shut down. When it was brought to light, the powers that be chose to ignore the reports and pressed on. There was also enormous pressure on the workers to step up the pace because they were trying to make up for lost time caused by a previously unsuccessful attempt. This is an all to common bind Sagittarius often finds itself in as efforts are made to recover from debts incurred from a previous bad gamble.
For now I am only going to delineate the factors that involve the Ascendant of this chart. There are simply too many other important elements to describe in one session and, to be honest, I wouldn't wish on anyone the burden of taking in all the horrors of this chart in one sitting. Yes, folks, the prognosis is not good.
To continue, the fixed star, Ras Algethi is rising with the Ascendant at 16 SAG 09. When rising, this star portends the good and bad sides of Saturn. It is also associated with lies, tricks and deception which we have already seen in BP's estimation of the amount of oil that is spilling into the Gulf of Mexico and now possibly being carried by currents into the Atlantic Ocean. The good side of Saturn? Ambition, mining, structure and the ability to deal with hardship -- all of which resonates with Horizon's work. The bad side? Frustration, limitation, and an inability to adapt to change -- pretty much BP's response to this disaster so far. A further Saturnian influence comes from the exact opposition of the fixed star, Cursa, at 15 GEM 17, which is known to have an influence like Saturn. A most revelatory side note regarding this star is that it is the principal star of the constellation Eriadnus. Eriadnus represents the river Padus into which Phaeton fell when slain by Jupiter for having set the world on fire by misguiding the chariot of his father Phoebus. No, I'm not making this stuff up! Could there be a better analogy of the present situation?
Another perilous association to the Ascendant is its extreme proximity to the degree of the Moon's Nodes -- only 11 minutes of arc. The following is a quote from Barbara Watters' "Horary Astrology and the Judgement of Events": "The Nodes are sometimes regarded as Karmic points which act like an adverse combination of Saturn and Uranus to bring sudden retribution or calamity to someone concerned with the outcome of the event." Nothing more need be said.
So far, with the analysis of only one point in the chart, the Ascendant, we have a stunningly accurate description of the people and forces involved that precipitated this tragedy. For the most part it involves the distillation and concentration of two opposing energies - Sagittarius and Saturn. The unstoppable optimism, drive and recklessness of Sagittarius meeting the compression and natural laws of the Saturnian elements that occur at 5,000 feet.
The Ascendant is of course only the tip of the iceberg of the entire First House. To deepen the examination we would look to the ruler of the First, Jupiter, which we find on the hidden side of the Fourth House at 21 PIS 45 and also at Pluto in the First House at 5 CAP 22. I will take these factors up and more in my next post.
As I mentioned in my post, there are simply too many important elements to cover in one session. The configuration you refer to as a YOD is certainly one of them. Analyzing that alone will require an entire post as there are some very serious contributory factors. I decided to use an approach that would help the beginning and intermediate practitioner get a handle on how to effectively analyze an entire event chart as I am planning to collect these posts into a single book on the subject. This is a section of the chapter on disasters.
ReplyDeleteI am familar with Dane Rudyhar's rectification of the USA inception chart. I actually had a burger with him in 1971 in Washington, D.C. where I worked at the American Federation of Astrologers! I have not found that chart to be workable with many of the major events and people in American history although I am impressed with the logic and philosophy that Dane brings to his case for using it.
As I also mentioned I have been out of the astrological loop since Obama's election. I will have to do some catching up on the USA chart which I certainly plan to do in specific reference to this Deepwater Horizon disaster. Whether I include any of that in my posts depends on whether I can resolve my disappointments with all of the USA charts. The one I have seen to most consistently click with event charts and significant nativities is the one with Gemini rising but I was not 100% satisfied with it.
Thank you for your comments.